Choose from biopics, animated motion films or first time cinema and experience drama, irony, wit and meaningful silent movies. 

Vancouver film fans will have a new opportunity, next Saturday November 21st, to take a glance at the broad spectrum of New Venezuelan Cinema during the second edition of the yearly cinematic event hosted by the Consulate General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Canada’s West Coast.

With documentary films under the limelight in this occasion, Venezuela in Motion 2015 will be held at the Vancity Theatre, Vancouver. It will feature two documentaries and a similar number of animated shorts. Admission is free, like all cultural events organized by the Bolivarian Government, and all four films include English subtitles

Featured Films

Verde Salvaje (Wild Green)

Directed by Belen Orsini.

  • November 21st at 2:00 pm. A documentary that will take the spectators in a 75-minute journey across the impressive coastal territory of Venezuela, while following three biologists in their quest to study and protect the fascinating Chelonia Mydas or green turtle, an endangered species.

Hoy no se hace pastel de chucho (No Stingray Pie for Dinner Tonight)

Directed by Braulio Rodriguez

  • In this colourful and inventive 5-minute short film animation, Félix, the fisherman, goes after Chucho, the stingray, in a thrilling underwater persecution that only comes to an end when both of them experience a sadly common and awareness-stirring incident in today’s ocean life.

El Misterio de las Lagunas, Fragmentos Andinos (The Mystery of the Lagoons, Andean Fragments)

Directed by Atahualpa Lichy. 

  • The 92-minute documentary is located in the Venezuelan Andes and depicts a captivating world within a secluded region, where magic is an everyday affair. It will bring the audience back in time through stories told by peasants whose fine sense of humor intertwine the thread that created legends by means of oral tradition, magic realism and songs, revealing their unique cultural traits and a collective consciousness. 

Galus Galus

Directed by Clarissa Duque. 

  • This short, which was listed in this year’s Vancouver International Women in Film Festival, resorts to animation and actual footage to tell the story of a man who once possessed a family and love and then turned into a shadow. Now he is doomed to rediscover the grace of daily life.
